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EDU-Scan News

EDU-Scan 1.0 Released



From: ManuSoft (
Contact: Owen Wengerd (+1-813-643-1227 or
Date: March 8, 2003

EDU-Scan 1.0 Released

New monitoring utility helps prevent accidental infection of AutoCAD(R) drawing files by educational product content.

Apple Creek, Ohio, March 8, 2003 -- EDU-Scan(tm) 1.0 was released today for users of AutoCAD 2000/2000i/2002, as well as corresponding versions of AutoCAD LT. EDU-Scan is designed to prevent commercial drawings from accidentally becoming contaminated with a plot stamp that accompanies any drawing content originating from an Autodesk Educational Market Release product. Educational market products all plot with an obvious plot stamp PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT along all four edges of the plot. When an educational product drawing is inserted into a normal drawing, the normal drawing inherits the plot stamp.

The purpose of this plot stamp is to prevent reduced price educational products from being used to create commercial drawings (something that the educational product license prohibits). Unfortunately, sometimes educational product blocks or third party files are unknowingly and unintentionally used in a commercial project, and the contamination is not noticed until many drawings are infected.

EDU-Scan monitors access to external drawing files, and immediately warns when an educational product file is accessed. EDU-Scan provides a warning, and an opportunity to cancel the operation before it can result in contamination of additional files. A small icon in the AutoCAD status bar indicates whether the current drawing is infected, and the real-time monitor provides an immediate warning if any educational product content is accessed.

EDU-Scan is available directly from ManuSoft, with costs ranging from US$25.00 per seat for individual licenses up to US$350.00 for a site license. ManuSoft may be contacted at or +1-330-698-1723 for sales inquiries and special purchase options. A shareware version of EDU-Scan is available for download from the ManuSoft web site at

ManuSoft is an AutoCAD(R) third party developer with a long history of developing AutoCAD-related software and utilities that push the limits and set new standards. In addition to software, ManuSoft also provides independent training, customization, support, and analysis for customers worldwide, with a special emphasis on manufacturing and related fields.

EDU-Scan is a trademark of ManuSoft.
AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT are registered trademarks of
Autodesk, Inc.
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Last Updated on Monday, 22 April 2019 13:42
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