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Ground-Breaking Interface Enhancement Released



From: ManuSoft (
Contact: Owen Wengerd (330-698-1723 or
Date: October 16, 1998

Ground-Breaking Interface Enhancement Released

Fredericksburg, Ohio, October 16, 1998 -- QuikPik(tm) 1.00 for AutoCAD(tm) Release 14 began shipping this week. Hailed by many as the answer to their prayers, QuikPik has enjoyed universal acclaim and unmatched popularity among users. The self-described "shareware AutoCAD add-on of the decade" is already in daily use by hundreds of AutoCAD professionals in only the first week of its release.

Hailed by many users as the hottest AutoCAD add-on ever, QuikPik is the latest addition to ManuSoft's line of low-cost AutoCAD solutions. QuikPik breaks all the rules to make AutoCAD work the way users want it to work, making AutoCAD's dialog boxes resizable, eliminating missed button picks, locking toolbars in place, and many other interface enhancements.

Owen Wengerd, President of ManuSoft, warned "QuikPik sets a new standard for AutoCAD R14 and its Windows interface by proving that there is no law which says dialogs shall not be resizable, or that dropdown lists may only display a few items at a time." When a user asked "have the rules changed?", Wengerd responded "what rules? QuikPik Rules!"

QuikPik is available directly from ManuSoft, with costs ranging from US$30.00 per seat for individual licenses up to US$500.00 for a site license. ManuSoft may be contacted at or 330-698-1723 for sales inquiries and special purchase options. The shareware version of QuikPik is available for downloading from the ManuSoft web site at and many popular shareware sites.

ManuSoft is an AutoCAD third party developer with a long history of developing AutoCAD-related software and utilities that push the limits and set new standards. In addition to software, ManuSoft also provides independent training, customization, support, and analysis for customers worldwide, with a special emphasis on manufacturing and related fields.

QuikPik is a trademark of ManuSoft.
AutoCAD is a registered trademark of
Autodesk, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of
Microsoft Corp.
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