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QuikPik 4.2 Supports AutoCAD(R) 2012



From: ManuSoft (
Contact: Owen Wengerd (+1-330-698-1723 or
Date: April 7, 2011

QuikPik 4.2 Supports AutoCAD(R) 2012

Apple Creek, Ohio, April 7, 2011 -- QuikPik(tm) 4.2 has been released with support for AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012.

QuikPik is a popular suite of user interface enhancements designed to make the AutoCAD interface more useful and productive. QuikPik adds 19 separate features including resizable dialogs, faster mouse input, locking toolbars, enhanced right-click input, taller and wider dropdowns, and many more common user requests.

QuikPik is available directly from ManuSoft, with costs ranging from US$30.00 per seat for individual licenses up to US$500.00 for site licenses. ManuSoft may be contacted at or +1-330-698-1723 for sales inquiries and special purchase options. A shareware version of Periscope is available for download from the ManuSoft web site at

QuikPik 4.2 is a no-charge upgrade for registered users of previous versions of QuikPik. Registered users may obtain the upgrade by logging in at the ManuSoft Customer Service Center ( or contacting ManuSoft at

ManuSoft has a long history of developing AutoCAD-related software and utilities that push the limits and set new standards. In addition to software, ManuSoft also provides independent training, customization, support, and analysis for customers worldwide, with a special emphasis on manufacturing and related fields.

QuikPik is a trademark of ManuSoft.
AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT are registered trademarks of
Autodesk, Inc.
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