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This section of the web site is an archive of useful or historical information.

Outside The Box

A lot of the material here was originally published on Owen Wengerd's blog, Outside The Box: Random Thoughts About AutoCAD, ObjectARX, and the Meaning of Life. As the blog subtitle suggests, topics may range from the technical to the metaphysical to the inane.

AutoCAD Exposed

Did you ever wonder what secret functionality lies hidden inside AutoCAD? Well, we've put together the most complete collection of undocumented AutoCAD commands, system variables, and functions ever assembled. Check it out at AutoCAD Exposed! HOT!

ObjectARX Tips and Tricks

ObjectARX Programmers, don't miss our ObjectARX Tips and Tricks page for some valuable tricks of the trade as well as useful information and tools for AutoCAD hackers. HOT!

Archived Essays

Before the advent of blogs, I wrote about my experiences and the people I met at Autodesk University. Those stories are preserved here for posterity. I've also archived some digests of blog posts on topics such as digital signatures and content management for web sites.

Sheet Metal Bend Allowance

Do you use AutoCAD in a sheet metal manufacturing environment? Do you perform bend allowance calculations for traditional sheet metal flat development? Take a look at Owen's Autodesk University course on the subject (in MS Word '95 format): (104k). The course provides a system of generic formulas and instructions. You'll also want to download the two associated AutoLISP functions: an AutoCAD based interactive bend allowance calculator (BCAL.LSP) and a developed blank size calculator (BDEV.LSP), both available on the Freebies page.

External Resources

Last but not least, don't forget to visit the Links page for links to other resources on the web!

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