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DrafTools is an old unsupported freeware AutoCAD add-on for AutoCAD R14 and AutoCAD 2000 that facilitates drawing setup by managing custom title blocks and automatically setting system variables based on the drawing scale selected during title block insertion.

In addition to simple dialog-box based title block selection and placement, DrafTools allows users to define 'smart' attributes in their title blocks which may be programmed to calculate their default value during insertion.

Screen Shot

DrafTools Screen Capture

Revision History

Version Date Description
2.10 1999-11-04 Added support for AutoCAD R14 and AutoCAD 2000, and switched to unsupported freeware distribution.
2.05 1996-02-25 This update adds support for AutoCAD R13c4 (DOS/Windows).
2.00 1995-11-18 This update adds support for AutoCAD R13 (DOS/Windows).
1.00a 1994-04-17 This update adds support for AutoCAD R12/Windows.
1.00 N/A First public release (R12/DOS only).


Download DrafTools: (222k)

DrafTools is an unsupported freeware program. See !LICENSE.TXT in the download for additional information and restrictions.


We do not offer any support for DrafTools, however we plan to add a message forum in the future for peer-to-peer support among DrafTools users. Please watch this space for news!

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